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Carnival Cruise Nightmare – Handling a Reputation Crisis
Carnival Cruise Lines fire with feces flowing throughout the decks. Burger King meat supplier busted for using horse meat. Los Angeles police officer goes on a shooting spree. Pizza Hut employees throwing dough on the ground and using it.
These potential PR nightmares happened in the span of just a week recently, and similar examples will continue happening.
But what is the right way to handle a crisis so that it ends up being a positive or neutral event instead of a negative?
Restaurants and Negative Reviews – The Fight for an Improved Online Reputation
With so many restaurants out there, most people turn to the internet to find a good place to dine in. Review sites such as Yelp provide a lot of information and countless reviews about numerous restaurants, and, due to the number of people who make their decisions based on what reviewers say, the emphasis placed on online reputation has been growing exponentially.
Online Promotion Made Easier with the Help of Online Reputation Management Services
Ever since the internet appeared, companies have taken a high interest in their online reputation. Today, as the expansion of the internet has transformed it into a fast paced, highly competitive environment for countless sites and millions of businesses, this concept is more important than ever when it comes to properly promoting your brand.